FOB and FHSS Postgraduate Paper Explanation Session

Release date:2015/10/13
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On 7th October, 2015, the FOB and FHSS Postgraduate Paper Explanation Session was held at the auditorium of the Cultural Centre, City University of Macau. Professor Cai Zhiming, Head of the Academic Affairs Office and Graduate Office, presided at the session. More than 130 teachers and students attended, including Professor Kong Fan Qing, Vice Rector; Mr. Wicky Sou, Director of Administrative Division; Dr. Eva Khong, Executive Associate Dean of Faculty of Business; Dr. Liu Jianxin, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; and Dr. Gavin Chau, Executive Associate Dean of International Open Institute.


Professor Kong gave an enthusiastic opening speech to the session. She declared the expectations for our students, by saying that students should fully utilize resources in City U and choose to study topics that have significant social meaning. They should study critically but idealistically. Students should not be afraid of failure and should never give up. Professor Kong concluded by wishing all students to be successful and become pillars of society.


Professor Chow Kwok Keung from Faculty of Business introduced the requirements of proposals for writing a paper. He also explained the related requirements of thesis proposals, research methods and thesis defense for masters level students. Professor Chow urged students to strictly follow those requirements in order to graduate well.


Professor Cai explained the details of the administrative procedure as well as requirements of thesis research and defense. The Graduate Office will release the paper writing guide, the requirements of thesis proposal and the paper cover templates, so as to enhance the quality of students’ papers.


Students raised concerns and questions in the explanation session, while Dr. Eva Khong and Dr. Liu Jianxin provided detailed answers. Students felt that the explanation session helped them to achieve a better idea of how to write papers and prepare their thesis defense. The session was both cordial and effective.
