Call for Papers

Submission Guidelines

We welcome two different types of submission, which should be uploaded to the paper submission portal (TBC).


  1. A full paper (normally up to 40 pages in double spacing, including a short abstract of 150-250 words and up to six keywords), or

  2. An extended abstract of about five pages (e.g., in the case of research-based papers, covering research questions, methodology, major findings, and conclusions)


All submissions will be selected for presentation at the conference on a competitive basis through a double-blind review process. Each submission should consist of two files: (a) the blind copy of the paper and (b) the cover page providing full contact details, including the authors’ names, institution affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses). For any questions related to your submission, you can contact []

Selection for Best Conference Papers & Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics

  1. Quality full papers will be selected for the three best paper awards.

  2. A selection of full papers will be included in a special issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics (AJBE), which is scheduled for publication in December 2026. If you would like your full paper to be considered for the special issue, please indicate “Concurrent Submission to the AJBE” on the cover page, and follow the style guidelines of AJBE, which are available at this link: We are pleased to note that AJBE has recently been accepted for SCOPUS, the authoritative abstract and citation database.

  3. Submissions that authors indicate are intended for consideration by AJBE will initially be reviewed specifically for the conference, and after presentation, the respective authors will be selectively invited to make revisions before resubmitting their papers for an additional blind review process to screen and refine them for the special issue.

Conference Proceedings

All participants will receive the proceedings in the form of a USB thumb-drive. The proceedings will include all full papers/extended abstracts accepted for the conference, except those full papers that have been selected for consideration for the AJBE special issue, for which only the short abstracts will be included in the thumb drive.