The Launching Ceremony of Professional Certificate in Financial Consulting Executive Program

Release date:2015/10/07
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On 12th September, the Professional Certificate in Financial Consulting Executive Program held by Macau Institute of Financial Services (IFS), International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC), and Faculty of Business, City University of Macau (FOB, City U) began in Luso-Chinese Building, City U. The program has been running since 2014. Students who completed the program can apply to become a Registered Financial Consultant (RFC). RFC is a certification awarded by IARFC to those members that are outstanding in education, experience and integrity. It is a fully professional qualification for financial consultants.


Dr. Eva Khong, Associate Dean of FOB, presided over the launching ceremony. Professor Kong Fan Qing, Vice Rector of City U, and Mr. Wan, the representative from IARFC, both addressed the ceremony.
