The Inaugural Doctor of Academic Salon in Business Administration

Release date:2023/12/14
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On December 13, the Faculty of Business successfully held the inaugural Academic Salon for the Doctoral Program in Business Administration at CLG201A in the Exhibition Hall of the Cultural Centre on the afternoon. The event aimed to facilitate academic exchange between doctoral students and professors, cultivate students' research interests, and provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the research areas in the Doctoral Program in Business Administration.


First of all, Dean José Alves of the Faculty of Business respectively delivered a welcome speech to the participating students and professors. Subsequently, Associate Dean Tian Yihui introduced the purpose of the salon and the professors in various research areas of the Faculty of Business. Each professor then provided a brief self-introduction, highlighting their research interests and professional backgrounds.


Following the introductions, students and professors engaged in discussions according to their respective research areas within their assigned groups. The Faculty of Business provided a diverse selection of food and beverages, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. As students and professors savored the food, they delved into profound academic discussions, sharing and exploring their individual research interests.


The academic salon provided an invaluable opportunity for DBA students and professors to interact and deepen their understanding of each other. Through their interactions with professors, students were able to make informed choices in selecting thesis supervisors and gain comprehensive knowledge about the characteristics within each research direction. The Faculty of Business will continue to organize such activities, providing platforms for students and professors to foster greater communication, academic growth, and development.
