MBA International Business student visited BOC Macau

Release date:2023/12/05
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MBA International Business Students visited BOC MACAU on 4th December. The objective of this visit is to let the students deepening their understanding on the role of China plays in international trade, especially the "One Belt, One Road" strategy and finance cooperation between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries, RMB internationalization, offshore finance, and cross-border RMB settlement, as well as the service of BOC MACAU as the RMB clearing bank.


Representatives of BOC MACAU, Mr. Sou Man Kin, Deputy General Manager of Personal Banking, Tiffany Lao, Head of Personal Banking and Channel Management Department, Rosy Sun, Head of Clearing Department, Suzana Shi, Strategic Analyst Strategic Analyst Economics of Strategic Planning Department(Macau Institute of Finance, Sunny Tai, Senior Assistant Manager  of Clearing Department, gave a warmest welcome to the MBA students. Ms. Sunana Shi gave a detail presentation of “Opportunities and challenges for Macao in the context of building a financial service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries”while Mr. Sunny Tai presented the service of RMB Clearing of BOC.


After the presentation, the representatives of BOC MACAU also shared their points of views regarding the positioning of modern finance of Macau and the challenge to enforce Macao’s role for the service platforms between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries. This visiting study was initiated by Echo Chan, invited lecturer of “International Trade Policy” of FOB MBA program, supported and organized by BOC MACAU which is included with the program of “Walk into BOC”. Students showed deeply interests to the relative topics and discussion.
