2024/2025 First Semester Course Schedule and Retake Application

Release date:2024/08/01
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For non-freshman students (those not enrolled in 2024), please submit your "Retake/Add" application through the TronClass system during the retake period from August 5 to August 18, 2024. Note that this application option will only be available on the TronClass during this period. To submit the application, log in to TronClass > Left side menu > Service Application > Submit Retake Application. 

For students who need to apply for an extension of their study period (non-final year students), the extension application must be completed before the retake period. Log in to TronClass > Left side menu > Service Application > Submit Application for Extension of Study Period

2024-2025Calendar.pdf  (students should check the calender to avoid missing important event arrangement)

The 2024-2025 calendar can be accessed on the university website. Students must submit their applications within the specified deadlines, as late applications will not be accepted.

For evening undergraduate students, you can also submit your "Retake/Add" application through the TronClass system during the designated retake period from August 5 to August 18, 2024. Note that this application option will only be available on the TronClass during this period. To submit the application, log in to TronClass > Left side menu > Service Application > Submit Retake Application. 

2024-2025Calendar-evening bachelor class.pdf  (students should check the calender to avoid missing important event arrangement)

The  course schedule on the TRONCLASS system will be displayed starting from August 19, 2024.

BBACF Y1.pdf

BBACF Y2.pdf

BBACF Y3.pdf

BBACF Y4.pdf

BBACN Y1-4.pdf

MBA Y1.pdf

MBA Y2.pdf

DBA Y1.pdf

DBA Y2.pdf

Faculty of Business

City University of Macau

