Dean and Associate Dean of Faculty of Business at City University of Macau Visit Soochow University Business School, Reaches Multiple Cooperation Intentions

Release date:2024/05/08
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From May 5th to 7th, Professor José C. Alves, Dean of the FOB, and Associate Professor Tian Yihui, Associate Dean of the FOB, visited the School of Business at Soochow University to engage in in-depth discussions on cooperation matters. Based on friendly communication, the two parties have reached multiple cooperation intentions aimed at promoting the development and academic exchange between the two sides.

From May 5th to 7th, Professor José C. Alves, Dean of the FOB, and Associate Professor Yihui Tian, Associate Dean of the FOB, visited the School of Business at Soochow University to engage in in-depth discussions on cooperation matters. The two parties discussed academic cooperation in graduate programs, executive education, and international programs.


The two parties plan to leverage the unique resources of both regions to create distinctive study abroad programs, attracting more international students to study in China. By offering specialized course arrangements, international students will have the opportunity to study in Suzhou, Macau, and countries such as Portugal and Brazil, enriching their study experience in China.


In addition, Dean José C. Alves also delivered a speech on "The future of China Africa business," discussing the prospects of Sino-African business cooperation during his visit.


This visit and the establishment of cooperation intentions will promote the exchange and collaboration between the Faculty of Business of City University of Macau and the Business School of Soochow University, laying a solid foundation for innovative business programs at both institutions. The two sides will work together to advance the development of business education, both domestically and internationally, and cultivate more outstanding business talents.
