2023 FOB DBA Gathering and Alumni Networking Successfully Held

Release date:2024/05/23
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The Faculty of Business (FOB) at City University of Macau (CityU Macau) successfully hosted the 2023 Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and Alumni Networking Gathering. Faculty members, alumni, mentors, and doctoral students gathered at this grand event.

At the beginning of the evening, Professor José Alves, Dean of FOB of CityU Macau, delivered a warm welcome speech, extending sincere greetings to the distinguished guests, academic faculties, and doctoral students. He emphasized that the DBA program at FOB aims to train advanced management professionals with strong practical skills. FOB continuously expands industry connections, bridging academia and the business world. The goal of FOB education is to create an academic and educational hub that adapts to social and technological advancements, fosters innovation, promotes sustainable business practices, and boosts cross-cultural economic integration.

Professor José Alves further stressed that doctoral students should maintain their enthusiasm for research and engage in close communication and collaboration with their mentors during their academic explorations. FOB remains committed to supporting research practices, working together to establish a leading platform for academic research.


The flourishing development of FOB globally relies on the strong support of its alumni. Professor José Alves took this opportunity to encourage DBA students and alumni to establish close connections. The platform of FOB serves to facilitate two-way interactions, share high-quality resources, and transform technological innovations into driving forces for industrial development, ultimately achieving mutual prosperity. The successful organization of this event received unanimous appreciation from the doctoral students. Representatives from the 2023 DBA class expressed heartfelt gratitude for this event and expressed high expectations for the faculty’s future networking development. To smoothly hold the faculty activities Zhenzun Guo, a DBA student, generously sponsored the networking event and Professor José Alves conveyed sincere appreciation for his support. José Paulo Afonso Esperança, Associate Dean of FOB, along with faculty members and alumni representatives, also attended the memorable and impactful student and alumni networking event.
