Macau Foundation (MF)

Release date:2021/12/16
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In accordance with Law No. 7/2001, Administrative Regulation No. 12/2001, Administrative Regulation No. 4/2006, and Administrative Regulation No. 17/2011, the Macau Foundation was established by the former Macau Foundation established in 1984 and Macau established in 1998. The Development and Cooperation Foundation was merged in 2001.

The Macau Foundation is a public legal person with administrative, financial and property autonomy. Its purpose is to promote, develop and research Macau's cultural, social, economic, educational, scientific, academic and charitable activities, as well as various activities aimed at promoting Macau.

The foundation mainly conducts activities in Macau, and communicates and cooperates with institutions or entities that engage in activities consistent with the objectives of the foundation, and grants funding according to law when necessary, but such institutions or entities must be established and operated in accordance with the law.

The funding sources of the Macau Foundation are mainly from the Macau Special Administrative Region Casino Lucky Gaming franchise contracting company and the allocation of 1.6% of the company's gross income, government funding, donations within and outside the Macau Special Administrative Region, and other statutory income.
