FOB students visited BY-HEALTH "Transparent Factory"

Release date:2023/11/20
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On the afternoon of November 17, 2023, under the leadership of Professor Gavin Ka Yin Chau, a group of 44 people from Class G of MBA Year 1 visited the BY-HEALTH “Transparent Factory” and experienced the digital high-tech factory in an immersive way.


The transparent factory is located in Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, covering an area of 169,000 square meters. It was founded in October 1995. In 2002, it systematically introduced dietary nutritional supplements into the non-direct marketing field in China, and rapidly grew into a leading brand and benchmark enterprise of dietary nutritional supplements in China. BY-HEALTH has a professional transparent factory, which is one of the world's advanced and strict quality control dietary supplement production bases. With a sunny and transparent attitude, it is open for all walks of life to visit in the industry. Global raw materials can be traced, and the production process is fully transparent. With independent laboratories accredited by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), the BY-HEALTH Testing Center creates high quality products with confidence and strict requirements.


The students visited the Smart factory under the guidance of BY-HEALTH explanation staff, and the transparent factory introduced more than 150 world-renowned equipment from more than 10 countries, creating an industry-leading continuous and intelligent production line.


Here, Class G fully visited the whole process from raw material warehouse to production line, experimental testing, warehousing and delivery. From this experience, I can deeply feel the innovative practice results of the integration of science and technology and production and high-level wisdom.


Byhealth Smart transparent factory adopts transparent glass design to realize global raw material traceability and transparent production process. In the factory, students can witness the nutritional raw materials from various countries and regions around the world through the glass.


After visiting the transparent factory, the students followed the narrator to the BY-HEALTH Nutrition Discovery Museum. The Nutrition Exploration Museum is an innovative exhibition hall integrating experiential interaction such as health testing, amusement sharing and nutrition science popularization with high-end technology. Students explore life sciences in a variety of motion-sensing interactive games.


Since its establishment, BY-HEALTH has always insisted on doing the difficult and right thing, respected the rules, based on facts, pursued the ultimate self-transcendence, and truly integrated the values into the blood.


As a leading enterprise of health care products in China, the advanced management mode and experience of BY-HEALTH allowed students to bring theory into practice, and students deeply realized the importance of corporate strategic management for the development of enterprises. Through this visit, the students said that it is particularly important to combine theoretical knowledge with the actual situation of the enterprise, so as to achieve the long-term development goals of the enterprise. At the same time, the students believe that this visit provides a rare opportunity for them to learn and practice, which will be helpful for their future career development and practice. In the enterprise mobile class, students have a deeper understanding of the importance and practical application of enterprise strategic management.
