CityU@40: The Past That Guides Our Future

Release date:2021/07/02
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The recent 40th anniversary celebrations of City University of Macau made it clear that the present is a crucial point at which to recapture the past of our, while it can still be retrieved. This workshop provided a launching pad from which to do so. It focused on the history of City University of Macau, especially its successive incarnations as the University of East Asia, the East Asia Open Institute, and the Asia International Open University. Rather appropriately, it took place in the small auditorium in the Tai Fung Building, the original academic home of the university, overlooking the charming Chinese-style garden. Participants from Macau attended in person, while others from Hong Kong, Cambodia, New Zealand, Japan, and China took part remotely.

The workshop brought together a mixture of academics from Macau, Hong Kong, and beyond, studying a range of topics related to City University and its predecessors, and past students and academic staff, who shared their insights and recollections. It helped to put City University back in touch not just with some of our alumni, but also with eminent academics who taught here early in their careers, and went on to become distinguished and highly productive scholars and administrators at top universities in China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, and Cambodia.

The meeting drew in part on the unique collection of archival documents, books, articles, photographs, images, and other materials related to the university’s history that the Asia-Pacific Business Research Centre of the Faculty of Business has gathered since summer 2020. The workshop also provided a springboard for further research, making academics and prospective master’s and doctoral students at City University aware of the wealth of research and thesis topics in this area available for them to explore in greater depth.

The intention is that the workshop will result in a book on the history of City University and its predecessors. Given the range of topics, this is expected to be an edited volume, one that will supplement and build on Bernard Mellor's history of the first seven years of the University of East Asia. It will also include the recollections of early staff and students, together with key documents relating to the institution's history.

Further details can be found in the programme: CityU@40 final Programme final version.pdf
