Please submit your full papers or extended abstracts to
Full Papers: Please refer to relevant parts of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics submission guidelines:
Maximum length: 40 pages in double spacing, all inclusive.
In the email’s subject line, please state: “PAPER: (first author’s last name) / (first few words of title).”
On page 1, please include all author details and abstract. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
Extended Abstracts:
Normally about five double-spaced pages of main text (e.g., in the case of research-based papers, covering research questions, methodology, major findings, and conclusions), plus a maximum of one double spaced page of references.
In the email’s subject line, please state: “EXTENDED ABSTRACT (first author’s last name) / (first few words of title).”
On page 1, include all author details. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
Selection for Best Conference Papers & Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics
High quality full papers will be selected for the three Best Paper Awards.
Authors of the best full papers, plus those of other high quality full papers will be invited to revise their manuscripts for submission to a special issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics. This is expected to be scheduled for publication in the latter half of 2026. Invitations to submit for the special issue may also be extended to authors of outstanding extended abstracts.
Conference Proceedings
All participants will receive the proceedings in the form of a USB thumb-drive. The proceedings will include all full papers/extended abstracts accepted for the conference, except those full papers that have been selected for consideration for the AJBE special issue, for which only the short abstracts will be included in the thumb drive.